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Week 3

When We’re Running From Pain

“Mommy Time” has become popular in American culture. But too often, mommy time involves escaping the pain and drudgery of motherhood through numbing or distracting. Jesus shows us another way when he meets “Sam,” the Samaritan woman whom he meets at the well. Jesus offers her - and us - a way out of numbing and distracting: Living Water. This week, as we study Sam, moms will have the chance to:

  • identify and share with God any ways that God’s good gifts have become ways to numb or distract

  • learn how to bring our pain to Jesus instead of avoiding it in harmful ways

  • drink deeply from the well of Living Water and receive healing

  • become an agent of shalom by sharing that Living Water with others


  1. Read through the study.

  2. Print Bible passage. (optional)

  3. Cue up the video on whatever screen you will be using.

    (There is a QR code in your book on page 56. Scan the code to

    access the video, or use this link.)

  4. Pray that your moms will be able to identify the ways they numb and distract, rather than savoring the good gifts of God. Pray also that they would hear Jesus’ invitation to give them Living Water throughout their struggles.


  1. Remind folks of group commitments. (2 minutes) 

  2. Allow each participant one to two minutes to answer the Check-In questions on page 55. (20 minutes)

    If your group is large, you may want people to share in groups of 3 or 4. 

  3. Have someone read the introduction on page 33. (2 minutes)

  4. Complete the opening activity on pages 55 & 56. (15 minutes)

    If your group is large, you may break into groups of 2 or three to share which items they checked. 

  5. Watch this week’s video. (10 minutes)

  6. Have someone read John 4:3-30 aloud. (5 minutes)  

  7. Answer the study questions on pages 57-59. (30 minutes) 

  8. Complete this week’s Holy Spirit Check-In on page 59 (5 minutes)

  9. Practice the Breath Prayer on page 59 (2 minutes) 

  10. Pray the Leader’s Benediction over your group. (1 minute)