Welcome Jesus Welcome

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Optional Introductory Week

So many mothers in our survey reported feeling lonely in parenting. Your group can be part of God’s response to the loneliness that so many mothers feel. If your group has time to do 8 weeks (or 15 weeks if you are doing the 14-week plan), we highly recommend doing this introduction week. It will give your group time to get to know one another and set some group norms before you dive in. 

This week, moms will have a chance to:

  • Introduce themselves and share about their own experience of motherhood

  • learn the five steps of spiritual transformation

  • develop and agree on group commitments

  • learn about and practice breath prayer


  1. Read through the Introduction.

  2. Cue up the video on whatever screen you will be using. (There is a QR code in your book. Scan the code to access the video, or use this link.)

  3. Pray that God will use your group to form and grow life-giving friendships.


  1. Get to Know One Another (10 minutes)

    Go around the group and have each person share their name, the ages of their children, and one thing they enjoy about being a mom. 

  2. Watch the first 11 minutes of video 1. (11 minutes)

  3. Agree on Group Commitments (10 minutes) 

    What do you need to do as a group so you function well together?  Let each woman brainstorm for a minute, then share (and write down) their ideas. Agree together which ones you want to practice.  We’ve found these rules, included on page 5 of the book, helpful: 

    1. Listen actively 

    2. Let folks finish their thoughts--don’t interrupt 

    3. Don’t give advice 

    4. Take risks to share the vulnerable truth about your life  

    5. Be mindful of how much space you take up in the group (so if you’re a talker, listen more; if you’re a listener, talk a little more) 

    6. Have a learning posture 

    7. Be open to what God has for you 

    8. Confidentiality  

  4. Reflecting on the Introduction  (15 minutes) 

    Answer one or more of the following questions:  

    How would you have answered the survey question: What aspects of motherhood have been the most difficult for you? 

    How have those difficulties affected your faith? 

    How do you feel knowing that you can reject the invitation to develop a transformational relationship with God? 

  5. Breath Prayer (4 minutes) 

    Read aloud to your group: Breath prayer is a simple ancient practice that helps us pray throughout the day using our breath as a guide.  In Scripture, breath and the Holy Spirit are intertwined – the Hebrew word ruach, and the Greek word pneuma, mean breath, wind and spirit.  So when we are born and breathe in our first breath, we name God, and when we die and release our last breath, we name God.  God hems us in with breath our whole lives.  

    We can use breath prayer as we walk, as we grocery shop or during pauses at work.  We simply breathe in a short prayer and breathe out prayer. Most of the breath prayers we offer in this series come from the Scripture passage.  

    Pray the Jesus prayer: The Jesus prayer is the oldest and most common breath prayer.   Give it a try! 

Breathe In: Jesus Christ, Son of God 

Breathe Out: Have mercy on me, a sinner 

Feel free to make it your own–maybe you breathe out “Have mercy on me and my family” 

Set the time for 2 minutes and allow people to practice the breath prayer.