Women At The Well
Music That Transforms
Outside the Bible, there is little that can shape our souls like Godly-inspired music.
Music has a way of bypassing our defenses and centering our thoughts on truths we need to soak in. It can bring us to the throne of God, where we are free to worship, lament, laugh, dance, and wonder.
The playlists below include songs that have helped us connect to God through the common struggles of motherhood. If you are struggling with any of the areas listed below, use our playlists of suggested songs, augmented with your own, and play it as often as you can.
As the weeks go by, do you sense any transformation? It might only be that you are reminded of God's power and love in all situations. That's a beautiful start!
Use the links below to jump to a specific playlist or scroll down to browse them all!
Each playlist corresponds to a chapter in our book, Moms at the Well.
When We Feel Unseen
It’s all too easy to feel unseen as a mom. We feel unseen when no one appreciates the countless dinners, playdates and appointments we’ve made happen. We feel unseen when we get no credit for the never-ending to-do list we carry in our heads, trying to keep every living being in the house fed, clothed and somewhat in their right minds. We feel unseen when our real lives, with our real hopes and struggles, aren’t reflected in family leave policies, social media trends, or even in the sermons we hear each week.
The good news is that in a culture that renders the real lives of mothers invisible, God always sees us. God sees us in our highs and lows, sees our dreams and heartaches, sees our faith and our fear. When we wonder if we matter - if the real us matters - take comfort that the God who sees all, see you personally. You matter to God.
When We’re Worried
Worry was the most common experience of mothers on our survey. Mothers worry if they are doing too much or too little. We worry if the kids will be safe, will follow Jesus, or will be successful. The list of worries seems endless. We know that worry isn’t productive but seem incapable of stopping.
Jesus exhorts us to not worry, but trust God’s love and provision. How exactly are we supposed to do that? Fear rarely succumbs to a pep talk! We are invited to take small steps of faith. Listen to these songs to remind yourself that God is present, active, and trustworthy.
When We’re Running From Pain
Mothering is hard. Life is hard. And sometimes we want to escape. If we're honest, most of us attempt to escape our pain at one time or another. Whether we shop, gossip, drink, eat, watch TV, or work too much, we find ourselves alone and isolated from our source of healing. In trying to escape, we made our situations even harder.
The good news is that Jesus invites us to drink from the well of living water, a source of wholeness and healing that never runs dry. When we do, the Holy Spirit heals us, restores us to community, and uses us to bring healing to others.
When We’re Caught In A Comparison Trap
There is almost no place women compare, compete, or judge more than around our choices and practice of being moms. Instead of cheering section, we have a critics corner. They can be family, friends, "experts," and even the voice in our head that critiques every move. The flip side of judgement is envy. "I want what she has."
Into our judgement and envy, Jesus comes with an invitation: "Listen to my voice. I want to bless you and affirm you. I see you - beauty marks, warts, and all - and I am here to bless and affirm you." By staying with Jesus and receiving his blessing, we are able to bless and affirm ourselves and the mothers around us.
When We’re Angry
Anger is often in response to other emotions - like shame, fear, powerlessness, disrespect, and envy. And it's often a healthy response to being mistreated, a signal that something is amiss. But many of us struggle to be angry without sinning. We lose our tempers and behave in ways we regret. How can we apply the Bible's injunction against sinning our anger, when it feels like we have no control over it.
Rather than judging or managing our anger, God invites us to release our anger to God. God will transform the pain beneath the anger and gently guide us away from our sinful responses to anger. God wants to shower us with the grace to release us anger. Listening to these songs could be the start.
When We’re Grasping For Control
Opening up to our own vulnerability in those places we can’t control feels too risky for many of us as mothers. Our world can be frightening and we have an enemy bent on destroying our families. But our illusion of control is just that - an illusion.
Surrendering to vulnerability allows us to share our deepest desires with God, to show our bellies, knowing that God can be trusted with our true selves and what we hold most dear. As you listen to these songs, allow your spirit to surrender to the One who can be trusted to see and love all of you.
When Our Hearts Are Breaking
Sometimes the best word to describe our experience of motherhood is desolation. When we have lost too much, our children are in deep pain, and we are alone in our despair.
God hears our cries in the place of desolation. God is weeping with us and offers consolation and hope when we are at the threshold of death and hopelessness. We may not have the energy to do more than listen to the sweet sound of God breathing beside us. If that's where you are, we hope these songs serve as that breath.