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Week 1

When We Feel Unseen

Feeling unseen is awful. In college, a guy told Kathy, “I don’t see Chinese girls as pretty or ugly; you all look the same.” Ouch. At that moment, Kathy realized that even being seen as ugly would have felt better than not being seen at all.

One of the least seen mothers in the Bible was Hagar. Except of course, that she was deeply seen by God. This week, as we study Hagar, moms will have the chance to:

  • identify and share with God any of the ways we feel unseen, by others and even by God

  • debunk the lies of Satan that cause us to grasp desperately for control

  • learn to combat those lies by trusting in God’s promises found in Psalm 23

  • become an agent of shalom by standing in solidarity with those who suffer


  1. Read through the study.

  2. Print Bible passage. (optional)

  3. Cue up video 1 on whatever screen you will be using. If you had an introductory week, you can start the video at minute 11.  (There is a QR code in your book. Scan the code to access the video, or use this link.)

  4. Pray for the moms in your group, especially those who feel unseen by God. Ask God to meet each woman at her “wells”  just as God met Hagar.


If you did not have an introductory week:

- go around the group and have each person introduce themselves with their name, the ages of their children, and one thing they enjoy about being a mom. (10 minutes)

- agree on group commitments (10 minutes) 

What do you need to do as a group so you function well together?  Let each woman brainstorm for a minute, then share (and write down) their ideas. Agree together which ones you want to practice.  We’ve found these rules, included on page 5 of the book, helpful: 

Listen actively 

Let folks finish their thoughts--don’t interrupt 

Don’t give advice 

Take risks to share the vulnerable truth about your life  

Be mindful of how much space you take up in the group (so if you’re a talker, listen more; if you’re a listener, talk a little more) 

Have a learning posture 

Be open to what God has for you 


If you had an introductory week, you can start here:

  1. Have someone read the introduction on page 7. (2 minutes)

  2. Complete the opening activity on pages 7 & 8. (15 minutes)

  3. Watch this week’s video. (15 minutes if this is your first meeting, 6 minutes if it’s your second meeting.) 

  4. Have someone read Genesis 16 aloud. (5 minutes)  

  5. Answer the study questions on pages 9-11. (35 minutes) 

  6. Read the description of Holy Spirit Check-Ins and complete this week’s Holy Spirit Check-In on page 12 (3 minutes)

  7. Read the description of Breath Prayer and practice the Breath Prayer on page 12 (4 minutes) 

  8. Pray the Leader’s Benediction over your group. (1 minute)