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Week 7

When Our Hearts Are Breaking

While motherhood can be one of the greatest joys we know, it almost always comes with its share of heartbreak. That has been the case for both Kathy and Tara, and it was certainly the case for our Biblical sister Hagar. In spite of the transformation and hope she received in the desert when she was pregnant, her life was still full of sorrow. Many years later, she finds herself in the desert again, waiting for herself and son to die. This week, as we study Hagar, moms will have the chance to:

  • meet God in our place of desolation and answer the question God posed to Hagar: What’s the matter?

  • allow God to open our eyes to God’s consolation and provision in the midst of heartbreak

  • become an agent of shalom by offering others a chance to meet God at Beer Lahai Roi, the well of the Living One who sees us, a chance to drink deeply from the well that sustained us during our own heartbreak


  1. Read through the study.

  2. Print Bible passage. (optional)

  3. Cue up the video on whatever screen you will be using. (There is a QR code in your book on page 147. Scan the code to access the video, or use this link.)

  4. Pray for those moms who are experiencing heartbreak right now, that they would experiencing the transforming love of God and community.


  1. Remind folks of group commitments. (2 minutes) 

  2. Allow each participant one to two minutes to answer the Check-In questions on page 147. (20 minutes)

    If your group is large, you may want people to share in groups of 3 or 4. 

  3. Have someone read the introduction on page 147. (2 minutes)

  4. Complete the opening activity on pages 147. (15 minutes)You may want to share first to model what it looks like to share what the experience felt like in your body without telling the story of what broke your heart. It may sound something like one of these:

    - I couldn’t sleep for two months.

    - My body just wouldn’t settle. I felt like someone was choking me. Like there was a grip on my throat.

    - My stomach was in knots and I was constantly on the verge of tears.

  5. Watch this week’s video. (10 minutes)

  6. Have someone read Genesis 21:5-21 aloud. (5 minutes)  

  7. Answer the study questions on pages 148-150. (30 minutes) 

  8. Complete this week’s Holy Spirit Check-In on page 150. (5 minutes)

  9. Practice the Breath Prayer on page 158. (2 minutes) 

  10. Pray the Leader’s Benediction over your group. (1 minute)