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Week 4

When We’re Caught In A Comparison Trap

People often lament how social media leads to judgment and envy. But this week, we’ll see how comparison between two Biblical sisters, Leah and Rachel, wreaked havoc on their family long before Instagram was a thing. So no, getting caught in a comparison trap is nothing new. Thankfully, God provides a way out of the trap, and this week, as we study Leah and Rachel as well as Elizabeth and Mary, moms will have the chance to:

  • identify the ways we feel unloved and/or unworthy and how those feelings lead to envy and judgment

  • talk to God about these deep feelings without shame

  • receive the truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made

  • become agents of shalom through blessing one another.


  1. Read through the study.

  2. Print Bible passage. (optional)

  3. Cue up the video on whatever screen you will be using. (There is a QR code in your book on page 80. Scan the code to access the video, or use this link.)

  4. You may want to fill in the chart on page 81 ahead of time so that you can look up any name meanings that are not clear to you as you read the text.

  5. Pray for your moms who are caught in the comparison trap - either feeling envious of other moms, or judging other moms. Ask God to release them and help them receive how they are fearfully and wonderfully made. Pray that your group would become a place of blessing rather than comparison.


  1. Remind folks of group commitments. (2 minutes) 

  2. Allow each participant one to two minutes to answer the Check-In questions on page 79. (20 minutes)

    If your group is large, you may want people to share in groups of 3 or 4. 

  3. Have someone read the introduction on page 79. (2 minutes)

  4. Complete the opening activity on pages 79 & 80. (15 minutes)

    If your group is large, you may break into groups of 2 or three to share their responses to the activity. 

  5. Watch this week’s video. (10 minutes)

  6. Have someone read Genesis 29:31-30:24 aloud. As she reads, everyone else can fill in the chart on page 81. (10 minutes)  

  7. Answer the study questions on pages 80-82. (25 minutes) 

  8. Complete this week’s Holy Spirit Check-In on page 82. (5 minutes)

  9. Practice the Breath Prayer on page 83. (2 minutes) 

  10. Pray the Leader’s Benediction over your group. (1 minute)